Custom Door Audio

From Freeside Atlanta
Revision as of 20:18, 5 March 2018 by Jud (talk | contribs) (Instructions to set up audio file for member's RFID card at front door)
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Freeside can make it so that when a member's RFID fob or card is read by the RFID reader at the front door, a specific audio file will be played.

To set this up for a member,

- [ ] Get a five- to ten-second audio file.

- [ ] Convert it to wav format if necessary

- [ ] Name it XXXX.wav, where XXXX is the number of the RFID card or fob issued to the member.

- [ ] Upload it to the Raspberry Pi.

  - [ ] local>scp /local/path/xxxx.wav USER@    where USER is a user ID valid on the Raspberry Pi

- [ ] Place it in the correct folder.

  - [ ] local>ssh USER@

        password for USER:~~~~~~~~~

  - [ ] pi>sudo cp /tmp/XXXX.wav /usr/local/bin/FreesideDoorMon/DoorAudio/wav

        password for USER:~~~~~~~~~

  - [ ] pi>exit

  - [ ] local>exit