Vending Machine

From Freeside Atlanta
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Freeside has a A4U4000 vending machine.



Setting Prices:

1. Open the front door of the vending machine.

2. Press the "menus" button, which is in the middle of the left side of the Vending Machine Controller (VMC) (a small board with electronics on it).

The LCD display should show "Audit --"

3. Press key "9" once.

The LCD display should show "Prices --"

If you go past Prices, you can press the "0" key to go back to previous options.

4. Press "*" then the three digits for the item for which you want to set a price.

The display should show the row and column of the item, and then "**.**"

5. Set the price for the item by pressing FOUR digits.

When you press the fourth digit, the price you have entered will be stored, and the display will revert to "Prices --"

This will set the price with the first two being dollars, and the last two being cents.

Prices less than ten dollars still need ALL FOUR digits. E.g., a price of $3.25 should be entered as "0325".

To set prices for additional items, continue from step 4.

After setting prices, exit "Service Mode" by

1. Pressing "9" until the display shows "Exit Menus".

2. Pressing "8".

This will put the machine in "Sales Mode" for normal operation.

Finally, close and lock the door of the vending machine.