
From Freeside Atlanta
Revision as of 13:54, 17 March 2022 by Jake (talk | contribs)
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We're always looking for new opportunities to facilitate projects/education in the space. New equipment can help us do that, so we decided to make a wishlist of some of the things that we need for the space.

If you have any items you would like to donate to our space, please contact donations@freesideatlanta.org with details to arrange the donation drop off.

Volunteer Opportunities

  • Mural Art: Artists, pick a spot on the wall and make it yours! For large pieces, please give the directors a heads-up.
  • Classes: Teaching at Freeside raises money for the space, helps educate our community, and can put a little extra money in your pocket. You don't have to be a member or an expert to teach a class, you just have to have some basic skills and a plan to share them.
  • Projects: Volunteering your skills on projects (and Build-Outs) is a great way to meet people and help out. Check out our Meetup account for upcoming opportunities to jump on in.


  • 105" bandsaw blades for the Delta
  • Resin for the 3D printer (Elegoo grey is a good choice)


  • More CAD licenses and modules (Solidworks/Fusion/AutoCAD)
  • Windows 10/11 LTSC licenses (ideally 2021 or later)


  • SSDs of reasonable size (256GB+ 2.5" drives would be great)
  • LCD monitors with HDMI (most of our current monitors only have VGA/DVI input)
  • Audio/lighting/DJ equipment
  • Human Interface Devices (decent mice, VR headsets and controllers...)
  • Modern Raspberry Pis and microcontrollers (We have lots of Arduino UNOs, but something more powerful would be great)
  • Working UPSes for various systems


  • Materials for an additional member storage rack (lots of 1" square steel tube and at least 3/4" plywood)
  • Other comparable shelving for member storage


  • Bar/tube/sheet steel for buildout projects
  • Lumber - 2x4" lengths and plywood sheets are always useful


  • Decent-size toaster oven for the kitchen (ideally pizza-capable)
  • Dust collection for everything (getting close to done on this one)
  • More area rugs of various sizes for up front
  • Big Ass Fans for the workshop


Wood Shop

  • Better planer (currently have an old Grizzly G0505 12.5") - something like a modern 13" DeWalt would be awesome!
  • Better jointer
  • 4x8 CNC router (Maslow build still in progress, has yet to cut anything)
  • Track saw
  • Sawstop
  • More clamps of all shapes & sizes

Machine Shop

  • Surface grinder
  • Small cnc mill, e.g. Tormach 440/770
  • D bit grinder

Metal Shop

  • Drill press
  • Roll-in saw, or other vertical metal cutting bandsaw
  • Better horizontal bandsaw (currently have a small, aging Harbour Freight model)
  • Better welding table
  • Cnc plasma table
  • Dry cut saw
  • Power hammer
  • Beefier press (currently have a small, manual 20-ton)

Auto Bay

  • Vehicle lift

Craft Space

  • Vinyl cutter

CNC Room

  • Upgraded laser cutter
  • Rotary axis for laser cutter