Our Space
Freeside has close to 6,000 square feet filled with workstations, workshops, and collaborative environments.
675 Metropolitan Parkway
Suite 6066
Atlanta, Georgia 30310
Detailed directions and videos
<shtml version="2" hash="f672912fccdd03be77ed0b41cac87a84a4266c5152b9de480cbf3ffc7efab959">https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msid=218263134646013955019.00046d5c0cd9a3ba5d431&msa=0</shtml>
Freeside is composed of several zones, which divide the space into loosely-defined areas of common activity. The zone boundaries are intended to shift and move as activity increases and member interests change over time.
- 00: Welcome
- 01: 3D Printing
- 02: TBD (currently occupied by eggbots and weather station equipment)
- 03: Electronics Lab
- 04: Kitchen
- 05: Classroom
- 06: Server Room
- 07: Auditorium
- 08: Shared Storage
- 09: Darkroom
- 10: Ham Shack and Greenscreen Studio (coming soon)
- 11: Member Storage
- 12: Project Storage
- 13: Loft (home of the Media Lab and Bio Lab)
- 14: Tool Room
- 15: Woodshop
- 16: CNC Lab
- 17: Garage
- 18: Workstations
- 19: Safety
- 20: Open Workspace
- 21: Attic
We typically shoot a walkthrough video every 3-6 months, since the space is constantly changing and developing. Here is our most recent one with Hack A Day - {{#ev:youtube|GJGj70FQ0bk|425|center}}