
From Freeside Atlanta
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Old Business

  • Updated member process
* Will attempt new process
* Maggie to create google form
  • Facebook donation\matching - Earmarked for TIG
* Ok to earmark $1k
  • Failure of first starving hacker quarterly survey
* Survey didn't have good response rate
  • Buildout success on several fronts.
* Better organization
* Better member/nonmember ratio.
  • Old IT gear mostly gone.
  • Recycling shelves momentarily clean
  • Ongoing work on Kiln
* Scott & Randy to do walkthrough to generate punchlist
  • Vending machine working well.
* Need diet drink
* Some things selling out quick
* Need to 


  • Secretary
    • May need to file/pay for FTS SoS corp filing.
    • Need to check on Members' Book, ensure currency of waivers/contact info/Member Status
    • Upcoming elections in May
  • Treasurer
    • Financial report
    • Members vs Time
    • 2017 Budget
    • Approx 47 members
  • IT
    • Some things more automated, but need to update wiki/vm versions.
    • Looked into hosted mediawiki, not a lot of good options.
    • No new volunteers for Web Admin stuff, Eldon may start trying to come to more open houses.
    • Should we set every member up with a freeside google login/email address/etc? May make sharing google docs, etc easier with membership. (You can often "share with organization", which is easier).

New Business

  • Lease renewal approval needed - Randy
* Approve Randy to sign same leased reupped with +5%
  • Membership sharing system
  • Potential for Corp. Sponsored memberships?
  • Getting sponsors to donate electronics kits for classes (AC programming)
* Should we be having regular kits that stay with the class?
* Offer kits in the vending machine?
* Jud to provide kit specs to Nathan
  • Possible investment in cleaning service of some sort?
* Consumables vending@ - try dash button.
* Clean tables should improve scenario
* Re-enforce with event hosts
  • Questions about potential members?
  • Proposal for simpler starving hacker system. (Nathan)
* Existing starver hackers "grandfatheredd"
* New Starving hackers must have non-starving-hacker "mentor"
* Mentor responsible for ensuring contributions of starving hacker
  • Insurance
* Review bylaws and attempt to cover - Randy
* Nathan - still get a quote
  • Thoughts on best directions to grow Freeside.
    • Buildouts organization, next projects
    • New website thoughts
    • Events: cohosted, hackathon, Atlanta Makers Meetup?
    • Freeside Photos shared album