Policy PastDueMembershipProcess

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Approved: 2013-MAR-02

After 30 days of non-payment, the member is informed by email that they are past due. The membership is moved to not in good standing. Some member rights and privileges are suspended, as dictated by the by-laws.

After 60 days of non-payment, the member is sent a second email. Membership status is moved to probationary. Additional member rights and privileges are suspended, as dictated by the by-laws.

All non-payment notification emails should cc the Board of Directors mailing list.

Members that pay their account balance in full before termination have all their membership rights and privileges restored.

A membership is reviewed by the Board of Directors and after a quorum vote terminated after 90 days of non-payment. Termination of membership does not absolve an individual from the obligation to pay their membership balance.

Individuals terminated in this manner are eligible to reapply for membership when their account balance is paid in full.

DRAFT CHANGE PROPOSAL -- Randy Farmer, 4/9/2015

Dues for the current month are due on the first day of that month, and late the first day of the following month.

One the first day of the first month that past dues have not been paid in full:

  • The member is informed by email that they are one month past due
  • A one month Late Fee is assessed on the members dues
  • Probationary members have their access cards disabled. They remain members but must pay balance in full to regain 24/7 access privileges
  • Probationary members are considered Not in Good Standing, as this applies to other policies and the bylaws of the organization
  • The Treasurer informs the Board of which Probationary Members are at risk for termination next month

One the first day of the second month that past dues have not been paid in full:

  • The member is sent a second email informing them they are two months past due
  • Another one month Late Fee is assessed on the members dues
  • Probationary members are terminated. They may reapply for membership once past due balances have been paid
  • The Secretary records the termination in the official Membership Book
  • Member have their access cards disabled. They remain members but must pay balance in full to regain 24/7 access privileges
  • Members are considered Not in Good Standing, as this applies to other policies and the bylaws of the organization
  • The Treasurer informs the Board of which Members are at risk for termination next month

One the first day of the third month that past dues have not been paid in full:

  • The member is sent a final email informing them they are three months past due
  • Another one month Late Fee is assessed on the members dues
  • Membership for members is terminated. Members may reapply for membership once past due balances have been paid
  • The Secretary records the termination in the official Membership Book

Members may voluntarily terminate their membership at any time and avoid accruing additional dues. You should notify the Treasurer, another Officer, or Director of this intent before the end of the month to avoid owing dues for next month.

Termination of membership (voluntary or otherwise) does not absolve an individual from the obligation to pay their past balance. A majority action of the Board is required to forgive past balances.

Freeside understands that situations occur that can prevent someone from being able to make payment when they're due. Please contact the Treasurer, another Officer, or Director if you find yourself in one of these situations. Options may be available to prevent termination of your membership.

Insert Example Payment Schedule Here